My everyday thoughts

My everyday thoughts

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ten Things I love
1-My husband
2-My girls
3-My bunny (oops that should have been #1)
4-The management at my work--Awesome
5-Twix Peanutbutter bars-Thanks Claudia
6-My Littlest Petshop bunnies
7-My strength
8-My awesome brown blankie with the pink flowers
9-When someone else makes dinner
10-That I am so sensitive-I care and love big.

Ten Things I Don't
1-My i-pod is broken-grr
2-Being lied to
3-The chip in my glasses
4-The fact my favorite pink sweats have blue paint on them
5-Being so tired in the morning.
6-Not enough time/money to do everything I want to do
7-My kid growing up so fast. What happened to my baby?
8-When someone hasn't placed the toliet paper on the holder
9-Bad "hare" days
10-That I am so sensitive-I fall hard.