My everyday thoughts

My everyday thoughts

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Honey Mae

Last Saturday we brought the new baby home. She is perfect. She weighed 21 oz on Saturday but when we weighed her Tuesday she was 23.6 oz. That is a lot of weight for 2 days. I told her she may want to think about portion control and she kicked me. Other than that incident she is the sweetest bunny I have ever seen. She has a litter box that she uses pretty well and her own bedroom. She doesn't cry or make a mess and she loves me. We have cuddle time once in the morning while I'm drinking my coffee and once at night watching TV.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chin Up Little Bunnygirl

I know, I know. I'm a slacker. Haven't felt like blogging because everything seems so full of drama. I figure no one wants to read about poor little me. So quick rundown before we look on the brighter (or sarcastic) side of life.

Was rear-ended on the freeway by a kid whose facebook hobbies include sleeping, eating and marijuana. Awesome.

Not a tremendous amount of damage but Daniel's Mommy didn't want to work with us, our insurance, HER insurance and in fact told me I would have a hard time proving there was an accident because of very little damage to her car. Anyway long story short-all is taken care of now and I had a Chrysler Sebring rental with heated seats on two of the coldest days in November so that was pretty cool.

Right after this I was told I have to have major surgery next year because of a lot of damage to my reproductive system and bladder. I am working a temp job that is due to end this month and I have no idea how you start a new job and then say "Hey, Im gonna need about 6 weeks off. Cool?" But whatever because it will all work out alright. Right? Tell me I'm right.